Home WFTWNJ 2024 VETERANS APPRECIATION TRAIL RIDE IS SOLD OUTWe provide an opportunity for local veterans to experience a much deserved adventure of fun and excitement. This is our way of saying thank you to those who have served. Wheelers for the Wounded is a nation wide event taking place in more than a dozen states, on different weekends throughout the year that will provide a day of off -roading for our country’s wounded military members. We are proud to be entering our 14th year of service to those who served. Special thanks to NJJC for the support of your drivers and your generous donations!Thank you to our veterans and a big thank you to our drivers, volunteers and supporters for making the 11th annual the best we have pulled off to date, special thanks to last minute drivers we desperately needed..Thanks to all who make these events possible. Wheelers to the Wounded NJ is a grassroots 501(c)3 non profit organization.Tax I.D.: 46-4222605